Saturday, December 29, 2012

Faye the cat

My husband and I had been discussing a pet for quite some time. We love dogs, but we want to wait until our son is older. We looked at hamsters and other small animals, but they don't have a long life span. Birds are too noisey... and we are done with fish at the moment.  A cat, we decided, would be perfect. Something to snuggle- but more independent than a dog.

We went to Petsmart today to see their selection. We looked at the first cat, a beautiful calico, but she seemed nervous with our son. We looked at her paper, and she was 10. While I feel bad for the older cats- we wanted one our son could grow with. So, we kept looking. The next window had a beautiful black cat. Small and gorgeous, two years old, and stared lovingly at all of us. We asked to meet her. She was perfect!

We filled out all of the paperwork, and were delighted to know we could bring her home today! We rushed around the store to buy all her needs, then took her home.

Faye stayed in her crate for a long time. I left the door open and set it near her food and litter box. Hours later, she finally started to explore. She lets me pet her and purrs, but she loves to hide! I hope she likes it here, we are already in love.

For those unaware, petsmart stores house rescue cats from local shelters. ♥

Friday, December 28, 2012

my 2013 resolutions

New Year's eve is right around the corner. I've been putting some thought into a few things I'd like to work on for the new year!

1. Be as stylish as my advice
Lets be honest, I can read magazines and keep an eye on street fashion- and share with others what would help them look fabulous- but I'm starting to feel like I should be putting more effort into my daily look.  As a stay at home mom, I don't dress up often. One thing that will help get myself put together more often? Well, resolution #2 of course!

2. Have more fun out with my son
We went to breastfeeding group weekly this past year- but I feel like I should be socializing him more.  This means play dates, classes, and whatever else I can find! He always sleeps better after going out, and I want him to meet some new friends, as well as hang out with the ones he's made this past year more often.

3. Have more date nights
My husband and I have only gone out twice since our son was born. We love spending time with him, But I feel like we need to keep our marriage a priority too. We don't even have to spend money! Even if we left him with Gammy to go watch a movie at home, or go for a walk in the park, a little alone time will do us some good!

Do you have any resolutions for the new year?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Take a sip

Motherhood is a beautiful thing. I will start this post by saying I really do feel blessed to have my son in my life and to be able to stay home with him.


Being a mom is a hard job. In a conversation with a friend she said "[motherhood] is so hard! Nobody ever talks about how hard it is!" It's true, we don't. We smile and say everything is great- and share pictures of smiles and happy moments. Well, I'm here now, and I'll talk about it!

Everyone, take a [metaphorical] sip.

I think most of the pressure lies with the fact that WE as parents are responsible for every aspect of our child's life; feeding, bathing, play, teaching, diapers (and potty training), and their psychological well being. WE are responsible for how they turn out! Sure, you can go back and forth all day about nature vs. nurture- but let's be real here. Have you ever heard of a serial killer that had a perfect childhood?

Insert the studies. Such-and-such study says that spanking will harm your child psychologically, and this one says crying it out will leave your child thinking NOBODY will EVER be there for them, and that one talks about helicopter patenting and spoiling and entitlement issues.
So let me get this strait- I'm supposed to baby wear, put a smile on for temper tantrums, be there for him 24/7- without looking at him? How in the...?

Here's what I've taken from it- I'll research benefits of multiple parenting techniques and use the ones I feel comfortable with. I baby wear when appropriate, but we also have a stroller. I read to my son and tend to his every need during the day- but I do NOT put up with temper tantrums. I don't spank- but if I find myself at my wits end I'll put him in his crib for a minute or two and shut the door. I'm not talking crying because something is wrong- I mean full-on, feet kicking, head rolling, no-tears-tantrum because he didn't get his way. I will have more patience with him than I've had for anyone EVER but- I still have a breaking point. Sometimes I use deep breathing techniques, sometimes I cry! But if he is fed and changed and healthy- two minutes in his crib won't hurt him. (He is two weeks shy of a year old by the way).

Take a sip.

Another hard part is that no matter what you do- you're wrong! Formula feed (for whatever reason) and you're frowned at. Only breastfeed for 6mo or a year? Shame on you! You breastfeed past a year? Jeeze you better cut the cord before college! Baby wear? Hippy. Stroller?? Distant. Spend most of your time with them? Helicopter mom!! Don't spend enough time? You're neglectful. Make your own food? More time lost! Buy baby food- you're lazy! Stay at home mom? Lazy freeloader. Working mom?? You pay someone to raise your kids!

Nothing you do will ever please everyone.

But- so long as you are not abusing or actually neglecting your child- you can only do what YOU feel is best for YOUR child. Take those little precious moments that melt your heart- and hold them close for the hard days.
Take a sip. Breathe- and know that you're not alone.

I'm sure there will be more added on this subject, but I feel content with my rant of the day! If there is a subject you feel should be discussed or put out there- feel free to leave a comment.

Hug your kids, and have a good day!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Winter fashion quickie

Ok, mama is sick- but I thought I'd update you on a couple fashion trends to try this winter!

Our outfits tend to match the weather this season- dark. This year, cozy a pastel colored sweater! I just got a pink pastel knit.

But- we don't have to leave dark behind! One thing I'm seeing around again is black eye shadow! (Yay!) Quick and easy- black on black. Plus? You don't have to be perfect with the liner, because the black shadow will cover it! Be adventurous and try a black Smokey eye this winter


Monday, November 19, 2012

out of state- out of my mind

Okay- so we are out of state for Thanksgiving, visiting my family.  Normally, this drive takes us about 7 hours. Today? It took us 11..... ELEVEN hours with an 11 month old. Let me start from the beginning.

We woke at 2:00am, made coffee, and loaded the rest of what we needed into the car before waking our son.  our neighbor (we live in a condo- 6 to a building) saw that we were up and knocked on our door.  It scared the day lights out of me!! But, I answered and asked what was going on.  She smiled, and asked if we had heat.
.....well I did notice that our heat was 10 degrees lower than what we set it on, but I guess I thought nothing of it at 2am.
Apparently the whole building was without heat.  I wasn't worried- we were about to leave for the week!

 Around 3, we woke him, changed him, and I nursed him.  We were on the road by 3:30.  We decided to give him his birthday gift early-  a leappad2- to keep him entertained for the long drive.  Everything started out just perfectly.  Our son was content, and it didnt take long until he was fast asleep again.

the first stop
a couple of hours in, we decided to stop and stretch our legs.  we pulled off of the highway and into a rest area. We had a plan: diaper, nurse, pee, snack, go!  Well, come to find out, the rest area was CLOSED and wouldnt open for over an hour! Once I was standing, my need to pee became an emergency.  Ever since my c-section, my bladder has been similar to that of a two year old's.  I had to go, and I had to go RIGHT THEN. 

I looked around- no port-a-pottys.  The entire rest area was filled with truck drivers, and a state trooper pulled in-- so the bushes and trees were not an option.  I knew there was nothing in the car I could use. So, what did I do?

I sat in the back seat.
and used not one- but two of my son's diapers.
I had to go that badly!

My husband was in the front seat, laughing at me, but I didnt care.  It was better than my pants!

the home
about an hour later we got a call from our heating company.  They said the problem had been fixed, and they were wondering if our furnace had turned on by itself.  We explained that we were out of state, and wouldn't be home for a week.  She asked if we could get a hold of our landlord as a percaution, just to make sure our pipes didnt freeze while we were gone.  She did add that the others were working fine, so there was a good chance that ours would be fine too.

our landlord? she's not only out of state for the holiday- she's out of COUNTRY!

back on the road
My son's interest in the LeapPad was off and on, but I had a secret weapon- My mom's portable DVD player.  I popped in a Baby Einstein DVD and put it on loop!  He was in heaven- talking to it and clapping his hands with the music.  I was able to read a little while he was so content!  However, this pure bliss only lasted for two hours- Then the DVD player died.

back to singing, switching out toys, and a whole lot more stopping to stretch!

after several stops and a few traffic jams- we finally arrived! I'm excited to be surrounded by family, and exhausted from our long ride. I'm hoping our getaway goes a little bit better than our day went!

what are you doing for Thanksgiving?


I'm going out of state to see family for the holiday. You know what that means? New clothes to show off!

I got a few gift cards and went shopping. I'll do outfits of the day during my trip!

......however, I'm currently in " car clothes" (aka yoga pants, nursing bra, and a sweater). No pic of that! :)


Sunday, November 11, 2012

thoughts on "The Other F Word"

The Other F Word Poster

I had wanted to see "The Other F Word" since I first caught wind of it being released. I was finally able to sit down last night and watch it. My mom was spending her usual Saturday one-on-one time with my son, and it was the perfect time to put on headphones and watch. (there is quite a lot of profanity in the movie)

For those who have never heard of it- It is a documentary about punk rockers and their transition into parenthood (the other F word being Father).  I have listened to these bands for years, and I was very interested in seeing how a teenage anarchist could morph into a responsible, loving parent.  It was no surprise that most of these men did not have positive male role models in their life.  Most of their fathers either left or were neglectful or abusive.  It became their mission to become better fathers than the ones who gave life to them.

During the first half of the movie I found myself laughing out loud at some of their interviews.  I smiled at the parts I could relate to- and felt a hint of guilt at how much time they spend touring and away from home, as this has become the main source of a bands income.  I am guilty of downloads, as are most of us. I never imagined that a band like Pennywise would have to spend over 200 days on tour to make ends meet at home.  They wanted to be there for their children, but at the same time needed to provide for them and put food on the table.

The second half was filled with more humor and information I never knew about some of my favorite rockers- but something unexpected happened; I found myself crying, more than once, about some of their life stories.

All in all- it is a fantastic movie.  Even if you don't listen to the music, or were never part of the "scene," it is an interesting and inspiring glimpse into the lives and families of some of the most influential punk rockers of our time.

check out the movie's website here.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Playing Catchup


My oh my, I have been neglecting my blog!  I have been busy at home with my son, and I have been crafting like crazy! Apparently.... I can crochet! who knew? Let me explain...

Two of my son's friends had birthdays last month- the same weekend! Money was a little tight, so gift giving was taking a back seat. However, both girls have been a very big part of my son's life so far, so I wanted to give them something.  My sister had let me borrow a crochet hook months before this, and I had practiced a few lines.  I looked up "crochet hat tutorial" on youtube, and low and behold- I whipped up a couple hats! They came out so cute!


After sharing these hats on a few social networks, I got FOUR custom orders from other people! And it grew from there! Now, I am preparing for a craft show on Dec 1st- on top of planning my son's first birthday party! (and the day to day stay at home mom duties)

Tomorrow is a shopping day- I'll make another fashion post soon with my finds!

oh, and check out my new craft page: Off With Their Hats


Sunday, October 14, 2012

my new hobby

I recently learned how to crochet, and after sharing some of my creations, I got a few custom orders! So, I'm going to start up a shop after getting the orders done and building an inventory.

I do have a facebook started for it!
Off With Their Hats! Click Here!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

DIY party decorating

Pinterest is one of my favorite places to gather ideas for party planning!  Yesterday, I threw my sister in law a baby shower and I was able to use one of my pins for the decorations!

the theme was born to rock- so i added some stars and music notes.  Here's how I did it!

What you'll need:

  • plastic table cloths (as many or as few as you wish)- I got mine at the dollar store
  • streamers
  • a hula hoop
  • card stock- for dangles. this is optional
  • balloons- optional (just another idea- i didn't use them this time around)
  • a whole lot of tape!

if you don't have a fan to work with, you can just bring the pieces together and tape them to the ceiling- instead of using the hula hoop.

  1. If the hula hoop is not the color you desire, wrap it with streamers. (mine was hot pink before i did this)
  2. unwrap your table cloths. wrap one end around the hula hoop and tape to itself. continue this step until all of them are on the hoop.
  3. very carefully put the hoop on the fan. BE CAREFUL and do NOT pull down on the fan!! 
  4. tape the other ends to where the wall meets the ceiling- or just the ceiling if they're not long enough. (or whatever else they'll reach. i had to use my curtain rod for one lol)
  5. decorate the middle with streamers, dangles, and balloons!

voila! all done!
If you give this a try, be sure to post pictures!

<3 SC

follow my boards on pinterest! click here!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Up before the son

My son is a morning baby 99.99% of the time. He is usually up between 4-6am! I have never in my life been a morning person, but I get up for him (and chug coffee to keep up).

Well, we all went to bed a little early last night. My biological clock woke me up at 5am, yet my husband and son were/ are still sleeping. Normally I would try and go back to sleep, but I have a busy day ahead. So, I got up, made coffee, and sat on my porch before sunrise. I have to say, having a little mommy time is nice! I can sip my coffee and write a blog post without nursing, or breaking every 2 minutes to chase my very mobile son around our condo.

Next step? Hot, unintrupted shower. ♥


ps: speaking of shower! I'm throwing my sister in laws baby shower tonight. I'll post decoration pictures and a diy tutorial tomorrow!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Smokey Eye

I was playing around with makeup a little today and came out with a great smokey eye.  Occasion? none.... Its just because.

I've already had one request for a tutorial. I'm thinking about making one. Maybe sometime in the near future? Comment below if you'd like to see how to do it too!

(my little man on my shoulder) <3<3


Here we go!

Stick that on your power cord!

I'll be updating with new posts more often, now that I have a better phone!  Have a request? Comment below

Catwalk to Sidewalk

I love to look at magazines and catch up on whats current.  As a stay at home mom, I need pieces that are budget friendly. One question I've been asked by close friends is: "how can I be fashion forward without spending a lot of money?"

Its simple: look for pieces that mirror the silhouette, color, and overall look that you're going for.  Try stores like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, or even thrift stores!

Here are a couple looks I put together.  Each piece costs less than $50

follow me on polyvore
<3 SC

one dress, three ways

The little black dress is a crucial piece to every woman's wardrobe.  It is classic, and so versatile. Here is one dress paired with different accessories to create three different looks.



Girls' Night Out

<3 SC

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New phone

I just have to say: I love my new phone!

Two years ago I got a blackberry.. I had wanted one for years. It was cool, but my husband's new droid was cooler. When he upgraded to the droid x earlier this year, I switched to his old incredible. I loved it- but it fell to the ground and smashed... so back on the blackberry I went. The last month or so, I would use it for about ten minutes before it shut off. I was almost due for an upgrade, so I just waited it out.

I had my eye on the new Galaxy phone. It is so sleek and just plain awesome. However, it was still $200 with my upgrade. As a stay at home mom, o couldn't justify spending that much.

The galaxy stellar on the other hand was free!

Being as frugal as I am, I took the free phone- and I'm glad I did! It's smaller than the new one. It's actually not much bigger than my old bberry. It looks girly, and it is so easy to use!

I'm hooked
♥ sc

Sunday, September 23, 2012

better get new running shoes..... for mommy!

My son is officially walking along the furniture at only 9 months old!  I can barely keep up with his milestones.  I'm so very proud of him though!

He's so energetic and so focused on motor skills.... I have a feeling my crawl-worthy baby proofing will not be enough.  I'm going to have to up my game! ....and my caffeine intake.

here he is!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Simple, Comfortable, Mommy wear

Taking the trends- and wearing them as a MOM!

As a mom, especially one to young children, its harder to rock some of the latest trends.  The key, is to take pieces that are comfortable and easy and apply them to today's trends.  Lets face it, its hard to walk around with a baby or toddler when you're in sky high heels.  Instead, try short heels or flats.

What I did here:
  • ankle boots with a short, chunky heel.
  • jean shorts
  • stockings
  • black tank top
  • knit cape/ shaw

Keep in mind ladies- just because you're a mom, it doesn't mean that you forget about yourself. Of course, we're always the last on our to-do-lists... and that's fine. BUT once everyone else is taken care of- don't forget to do something for yourself.


ps: I realized as I posted this, that the mirror I used is dirty... hahaha the things you don't realize when you change, take photos, and post to your blog quickly in between meals, diapers, nursing, etc etc etc... <3

how to wear this fall's top trends- part 2

If you have any questions, or would like to know more about a trend that isn't listed- leave a comment below.

Okay! Part two!

The Look: Feminine Silhouettes-
Spring and Summer looking dresses are making their way into fall this year.  The good news?  You probably have some in your closet already.  Add a boot and jacket to take it from summer to fall. In this look, I've brought in the idea of leather and lace, which was touched on in my Rebel Belle post.  I also used the gemstone colors brought up in part 1.

The look: Blockcolor Dress-
Geometric, and very slimming.  Look for a piece that has dark blocks along the sides, and waist. This will create the illusion of a slim, hourglass figure. Bright blue and black together is another trend this year.  I feel the color combination looks best in this type of dress.

The look: Tights-
Colored tights, black tights- leggings and stockings. I'm seeing these everywhere this fall.  Try it under a skirt, dress, or even shorts.  Long Boots are another trend this year- especially with skirts and dresses.  Don't be afraid to try a bold color!


like some of the clothes? here is where to find them:
want to create your own look? try

how to wear this fall's top trends- part 1

New York Fashion week is over- and there are plenty of fabulous trends this year to try!

Color: Gemstones-
think Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, etc etc. Bold, bright, and beautiful.  Below is a look that can be used for work or a job interview, with one loud pop of color. The peplum top is another trend this season, as well as the ankle booties!

Look: Capes-
the easiest way to pull off this look is with a jacket that has a cape top.  It can easily be worn casually, or with business attire! Make sure when you go big on top- you stay slim underneath! You don't want to over-bulk your look.  The studded accessory adds a little rock and roll to the look- another hot trend this fall.

Look: Peplum-
as mentioned above, peplums are another trend this fall. They add curve to those who are petite, and accentuate curves that a woman may already have! Below is a casual look.  It would be great for, say, a date? Or lunch with the girls! You'll really stand out with colored skinny jeans, and biker-style ankle boots!


like the clothes above? here is where you can find them!

want to create your own look? try out

Friday, September 21, 2012

Baby Wearing

My son is the type that prefers to be carried more often than not, especially in the earlier months.  Some days, the only way I can sweep the floor or grab a quick meal is if I wear him. It is also ideal if we are out somewhere and he grows tired of his stroller.

At first, we used the Moby Wrap.  It was wonderful, and oh-so comfortable.  He would often fall asleep while I carried him in it.  Unfortunately, as he grew, the Moby began to stretch too much while I wore him.  I sold it, and decided to try something new.

I asked around on CafeMom (that's right! I'm a CM-er) on what we should try next.  I wanted something that would last a lot longer than 6 months.  Almost everyone told me to try a ring sling- and many recommended BabyEtte.  As soon as I saw the work BabyEtte did, I knew I needed one.  Most of her slings are beautiful, but nothing spoke out to me. Instead, I contacted the creator for a custom order.  She is very sweet, and worked with me to come up with a great custom piece! A few weeks later, we got our sling in the mail.... and I LOVE it! I use it several times a week.  My son loves it too, and snuggles close while we walk around together.  I even use it to walk to our mailbox, instead of putting him in the stroller!

visit her shop here!

The main thing to remember with any type of baby wearing- is safety.  Do your research before deciding if it is for you, and pay attention to detail each and every time you wear your baby.


ps: Daddy can wear too! I clicked this pic of my husband and son:

Sunday, September 9, 2012

One baby or two?

Life is full of choices. One of those choices, as parents of one child, is whether or not to have another.

 One child is wonderful, simple, easy.  There are no worries of fairness with time and money. Vacations are cheaper, outings are cheaper. You don't have to worry about one child's soccer game over lapping a dance redial, or one child out shining the other.  On the other hand, if you don't have another, your child will lose out on that permanent play mate..  That life long friend.. Would they be envious of other children that had siblings? Or will they be thankful to miss out on the fighting?

Do we have the space? The money? The energy? How will it affect the child we have?

We want to so badly, but how do we decide?

....I suppose I will have to continue this thought when we do.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

those sweet moments...

As a mom, I may not feel joyous all day every day, but at some point during the day I do feel joy.  My days are filled with chasing around my little speed crawler- who by the way refuses to play with toys and MUST search out every mistake in my baby proofing. It can be exhausting.

Take this photo for example. I turned my eyes away for a brief moment as I answered my phone.  My husband was calling on his lunch back. I realized that B was awfully quiet and content.  When I looked over to him, this is what I found.

He had discovered that mommy forgot to close the lid.....  At first, I couldn't believe my mistake. After a few seconds of blank stares, I couldn't help but laugh. Of course He was upset when I took away his new toy.

Those sweet, innocent, precious moments are what make my days joyous. He's so curious, and such a character. Moms (and dads), when you're feeling overwhelmed, don't forget to enjoy the little things.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rock&Roll is here to stay

I finally got a copy of this year's September Issue of Vogue!

Normally, I go through fashion envy each year, and wish I had a disposable income to keep up with the latest fall trends.  Well, to my surprise- I can be "trendy" this year without spending a dime!

Let me backtrack-
In high school and in my (earliest) 20's, I was more of a rocker-chick.  Even though I will still enjoy punk, metal, etc on any given day, I have toned the look down over the years- especially since becoming a mom.  I get looks for having piercings and tattoos, I couldn't imagine how people would react if I sported leather and biker boots. Now, not that I'm one to "mold" myself into society's standards, but I'd rather not deal with the drama.

ready for some throwback pictures?

Anyway- back to Vogue.

To my delight, the magazine was filled with black, edgy clothes, leather, studs, metallics, biker boots- and even candy colored hair! just.plain.rock- and I LOVE it!  Now I know people are less likely to dive into the rock look.  One way to ease into it is to mix with feminine looks (see my Rebel Belle post).  Another- is with hair and makeup.  I created a tutorial for a metallic eye shadow look- that's not too over-the-top.  Please, keep in mind I'm not good on camera (yet) haha!

click HERE to view  my youtube tutorial of the following look:


Monday, August 20, 2012

moving up, and moving on

My sister is leaving for college tomorrow.

Ever since she started taking gifted (honors) classes in middle school she has been planning and preparing for this day. We all have, as a family. She is my only sibling, and we are 6 years apart.

I knew that she was brilliant the day she taught herself algebra just by gazing at my homework. I couldn't believe it, but I remember it like it was yesterday. She was coloring something while I tapped my pencil on the table and slouched my head against my left shoulder. She looked over at my homework page and said, "x equals (#)." I stared at her and smiled, thinking to myself *its not that easy*. Low and behold, she was right. I checked my work three times to be sure. When I asked her how she figured it out she said, "oh- I just did it in my head."

That was 10 years ago.

Flash forward- after receiving a $10k per year scholarship to a private high school, being inducted into the National Honors Society, and receiving an $80k scholarship to a fantastic college- she's finally packing her bags. She has worked hard for this moment, but it is only a step towards the next chapter in her life.

I couldn't be more proud.

It is odd to say "see you at Thanksgiving!" Instead of "see you later." Its hard to imagine her not being in my parents house. I haven't cried (yet?) but I did hug her... Twice. My last words of advice to her were:

Have fun. Be smart. Be safe.

 I can only hope for the best as she moves up in the world, and on with her life.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

My Yearly Fall Favorites

My fall wardrobe has to be my favorite.  Aside from the phone-book-sized fashion magazines that I love to gaze at, I love the clothes.  I get to take out my Uggs, scarves, and long sleeved shirts. Comfy, cozy, and cute!  I've been going through pinterest and collecting ideas for this season.  Below are some pieces you can keep and wear every year.  Warmth will never go out of style!

[follow me on pinterest here]

I rock boots from August-April, mainly my Uggs

One idea that I'm loving this year is knit boot warmers- they're adorable and functional.
Way less hot than full socks

so cute for fall

well.... knit warmers in general....
love these

I'm also really into different styles of scarves this year.  I'm one to just throw on a classic scarf and throw it over my shoulder. Plain and boring- and all about function.  One idea I can't wait to try- a t-shirt scarf.  Click the link below to DIY

T shirt scarf

and of course- we cant forget about sweaters and jackets! one of the best parts of fall!  My favorite jacket is my black Guess Jacket.  I got it as a gift in 2010.  It transitions great between seasons and looks great dressed up as well as down.

Me on our Honeymoon in Ireland, 2010

Be sure to keep up with my pinterest to see other fall fashion favorites! 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Rebel Belle

visit their web page

In the September issue of Cosmopolitan I saw an interesting fashion spread called Rebel Belle.  Equal parts rock and romance.  I love the idea of it, and it suits both sides of my style.  As a mom, I need things to be quick, comfortable, and easy access and coverage for nursing.  I've found a few looks that are easy on the budget of a stay at home mom, that still fit the idea of a "Rebel Belle"

Kohls has some great pieces to suit this trend- jackets, tops, dresses, etc. in women's and junior's!

Rock and Republic Embellished Chiffon TunicRock and Republic Embellished Open-Front JacketLC Lauren Conrad Ruched BlazerCandie's Openwork Sequin Dress

and don't forget about shoes! payless has some cute options to follow the look! (some are pricier than others)  If you're not into throwing a leather jacket over a feminine dress or top, try some black boots.  OR put some girly shoes with a fully rocked out outfit!  Don't be afraid to mix and match! Fall fashion can be effortless.

Womens Lower East SideWomen's Sammi Strap BootWomens Christian Siriano for PaylessWomen's Estella Platform BootieWomens Silvia Tcherassi for PaylessWomen's Montpellier Ruffle BootieWomens FioniWomen's Luring Ruffle Sandal

Try some romantic curls and a smokey eye to complete the look!  Have fun!